Please read carefully before making the payments.
These guidelines are created to help make all participants’ experience a positive one.
By paying for this Women’s Circle session, I acknowledge ALL the guidelines listed below:
Even though Homeyra Faghihi is a licensed psychotherapist and an Empowerment coach, she WILL NOT be providing any coaching or psychotherapy during this session.
All teachings offered by Homeyra Faghihi during this session are for participants’ general education. I am responsible for deciding if and how I might apply those in my own life.
I am solely responsible as to whether or not I will implement other participants’ ideas or suggestions.
There will be NO recording of this session in order to honor all participants’ privacy.
I will keep others’ disclosures in this session to myself in order to honor everyone’s privacy.
I am allowed to change my Zoom name to my nickname OR first name only in order to keep my own privacy.
I must attend this session in a private room (or in my car) to prevent distracting myself or other members AND to keep all participants’ privacy.
I am responsible for attending to any unpleasant feelings that may come up as a result of this session, by seeking appropriate coaching or mental health services, as there will be NO follow-up contacts from Homeyra Faghihi on this matter.
This Women’s Circle session is NOT an appropriate resource for me, if I have severe mental health issues such as thoughts of harm toward self or others, severe mood changes, no stable relationships, or substance use related problems.
I MUST have my camera ON in order to help other participants feel safe sharing, and build trust.
I will NOT be multitasking during this session in order to be respectful to other participants AND to make the most of our time.
I will likely benefit from this Women's Circle EVEN IF I stay quiet by choice, or because we run out of time.
I AM READY TO GO!! Let’s do this.
Your information is 100% secure and will never be shared with anyone.
If you have any questions, please email us at