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Become the most self-assured version of you.

Free woman

You have the power to transform your self-doubt into self-worth.

 And when you live from your self-worth deeply and unconsciously, then you CAN experience the life of your dream. 

Then it WOULD BE possible to: 

  • Set healthy boundaries,  

  • Experience self-respect, 

  • Live an authentic life, 

  • Value your own needs and desires (as well as others’)

  • Go after that dream relationship, job, career, hobby, etc.

  • Not care so much about what others might think of you. 

  • Live in courage and leave your comfort zone. 

This is why taking your power back from the fears that are running the show on the inside is necessary. 

Set up a complimentary Take Back Your Power Session with me to explore if and how I can support you on your journey toward empowerment. 

Contact me if you don’t see a time that works for you


I bring twenty-five years of expertise as a  psychotherapist into my coaching practice.



If you’re a women who relates to any of these experiences below: 

👉 You feel you've been burnt in relationships before, 

👉 You keep finding yourself in unhealthy relationships,  

👉 You're consumed with self-doubt around dating,

👉 Can’t trust your judgment about whether or not you're making the right choice, 

👉 Feel frustrated with yourself in your dating life, 

👉 You're either dating with a lot of self-doubt, OR too anxious to get out there again, even though a part of you really wants to have someone special in your life.

First, you are NOT alone. 

Second, I have created this group program for you.

This program’s main purpose is to help you get out in the dating scene with reduced self-doubt, and increased confidence in your judgment and choices.  


Topics to be covered are: 


➡️ Tell apart healthy from unhealthy boundaries,

➡️ How to say no,  

➡️ Who to say no to,

➡️ Warning signs not to be missed, 

➡️ How to be present with your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


See if my former client’s experiences are what you envision for yourself: 


“Now that I understand how my unhealthy boundaries shaped my unhealthy relationships, I am no longer hopeless about dating. Because I Know what changes I need to make.”

“I’ve had my share of frustrations with dating and choices I had made.This program has helped me grow my confidence and not give up.” - Bita N. 


“My self-talk around men before this program was "Most men are bad!"; or "Why do I never meet any good men?” and by the end of the program I found myself cautiously optimistic.” - Christina S. 

“I had an aha moment during the discussions of boundaries. I reflected on the situations that I’ve let people control and direct my life, I remembered situations that I let others describe the reality instead of me thinking and feeling of what is. I am now more aware and I want to put to practice describing my own reality. Sometimes, I can put more weight and value on what other people think than my own thoughts. This discussion was so valuable for me to sit in my own sovereignty and my own comprehension of reality and truth. This is my power. “  - Nikki S. 


Reading these testimonials is probably making it clear for you why I do what I do and why I love it so much.

Between witnessing my clients' successful journey as well as my own struggles with self-worth in the dating scene (and life) in my younger days, I now KNOW that we can learn to improve our self-worth, learn boundaries and make healthier choices in life. 


Get yourself on the Priority List and you’ll be notified as soon as the next cycle starts. 

Can’t wait to see you in the next round of Date with Ease. 

New Chapter after Narcissism!

I look forward to having you participate in this

exciting journey. 




New Chapter After Narcissism

Homeyra Faghihi, PsyD, LCSW

Certified Narcissistic Abuse Treatment Clinician 

Empowerment Coach


Access Tools for Confidence and Growth – Free to Explore.

5 Ways to Boost your Confidence

❤️ Five Ways to Boost Your Confidence in the Dating Scene. ❤️

Say NO Nicely

Get your checklist here.

Confidence Campus

Get your FREE Confidence Campus video series NOW.


Hear what clients are saying



My mission is to help women just like you remember who you are underneath the sneaky and persistent self-doubt, so that you can reconnect with your innate worth AND keep stretching yourself outside your comfort zone. 

Don't let life pass you by. 

The time is NOW. 

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Symbolizing our strength within, the "Power to the Self" logo features an eagle, inspiring courage, empowerment, and the ability to navigate life's journey with unwavering power and grace. Much like the eagle, our community encourages you to spread your wings in the pursuit of self-empowerment.

Book a FREE 45-minute
consultation session

If you are a woman who is ready to say no without guilt, and stop second guessing yourself, let's talk!

The quick questionnaire attached is for MY eyes only. Your answers will allow us to maximize our time together. 

Contact me at if you don't see a time slot that works for you. 



Sign up for our newsletter to get tips, tools, announcements and inspiration. 

Your information will never be sold and you can unsubscribe any time.

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